To begin with, let us understand what internet privacy is. As an example, only 3% of Americans claim they understand internet privacy laws. So then, let us start with what is internet privacy.
In brief, it refers to the rules governing the internet privacy rights of the citizens in a country.

This article tells you the several ways you can maintain privacy in social networking. In fact, if you know these tricks listed you will never have internet privacy issues.
1. Secure your data on the internet
Firstly, what happens when you connect to the internet? In simple words, you establish a connection between your device and the destination. The data travels in the form of small data packets. The data packets traveling are readable. Hence, anyone in the network can read your content or log down to the website activity you have visited. This element makes you vulnerable. Cyber attackers, intruders, etc can funnel confidential data.
So then, what should you do? All data packets from your device should be encrypted. Further, what is encryption? We will read about it in a future article. Right now let us focus back on internet privacy. Let us answer how to encrypt data instead.
A simple way to encrypt your data is to download a VPN. A VPN application encrypts all your data. The encrypted data travels through the internet. In fact, encrypted data reaches the destination. The destination also receives an encryption key. The destination then makes use of the key to make the content readable again.
2. Don’t let anyone else see through your internet activity
Secondly, your online activity is visible. In fact, your internet service provider (ISP) monitors your online activity. Further, in many countries, governments have permitted ISPs to sell your online activity data to advertisers. So it has become important to keep your online activity confidential.
The best way is to use a VPN application. A VPN creates a virtual tunnel between your device and your destination. This tunnel keeps your internet history confidential. No one outside the tunnel can peep inside the tunnel. You can keep your online activity private using a VPN tunnel.
3. Keep your identity & location confidential
Thirdly, you need to keep your IP and location a secret. 70% of cybercriminals identify their prey by location and IP. If your IP and location are anonymous you are almost safe.
So then, how to do that? Here is a simple answer. Make use of a VPN application. When you make use of a VPN your online journey is routed through a VPN server. Your VPN server appears to be your IP and location on the internet. Hence, a VPN keeps your IP and location confidential.
4. Remain careful while using a public Wi-Fi
Fourthly, avoid public Wi-Fi wherever possible. Public Wi-Fi is the most vulnerable network. Surveys worldwide have revealed that 97% of public Wi-Fi networks are insecure.
In summary, privacy in social media is important. In fact, privacy is an important part of the internet experience for everyone.
So we strongly recommend you make use of a VPN to experience the most secure internet journey for your devices.