In the first place, let us take an overview of how secure your internet connection is. Did you know - 4.1 billion data records were breached in the first half of 2019 alone? To add to this, 71% of these breaches were financially motivated.
79% of internet users in the USA alone have experienced marketing spies peeping into their internet activity to decide the type of advertisements they should feed. 46% of internet users have experienced data leakages that include personal social media conversations. So, it is clear that internet security and privacy is becoming a concern for all of us.
Do you know what is VPN and why VPN is becoming more and more popular nowadays? The number of VPN users is increasing every day but a few years back, there were hardly any users of VPN.
VPN is a Virtual Private Network that works as an intermittent service between you and your host site. It can provide a safe mode for surfing the web as it gives you privacy and data security. When used correctly, a VPN helps keep your connections secure and protects your device from prying eyes.
IP Masking
A VPN application never reveals your IP. Let us understand what happens when you install a VPN. Every time you make use of a VPN it connects you to a server. All your internet transactions happen via the VPN server you connected to.
Above all, it appears as if your IP is that of the VPN server’s IP. Hence, if you use a VPN your real IP is never revealed.
For your information, a lot of cyber intruders plan their attacks based on IPs. If your IP remains confidential, you keep yourself away from intruders who attack users based on their IPs.
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Data Encryption
This is yet another amazing feature that keeps your data secure. Any VPN encrypts your data into an unreadable coded format. This data travels throughout the internet journey in the same unreadable format.
However, the destination terminal is provided with a de-encryption key with the data. The destination uses the De-encryption key and converts the data into the original readable format. Hence, the intended reader can instantly read through the contents of the data being transferred.
On the other hand, potential cyber attackers might access the data. However, since the data is encrypted, it is very difficult for the intruder to read the contents.
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ISP Throttle
Here’s another thing you should know. Your ISP keeps a track of all your internet activity. In most cases, your ISP also reduces your speed when you are downloading heavy files. To add to this, if you use bandwidth over a certain limit while playing games online the ISP throttles your bandwidth too.
An ISP does this so that the internet speed and bandwidth of other users don’t get affected.
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